
Slim Pelle


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Slim Pelle

The combination of different forms and volumes with a particularly modern taste is made more classical in style thanks to the handgrip covered with real Italian leather, a natural expression of the artistic handcrafting of leather.


Polished chrome

Satin chrome

Polished brass


Door handle on rose art.019

COD. 1111 rb 019

Door handle on rose art.024

COD. 1111 rb 024

Door handle on plate

COD. 1111 pl

Window handle with DK movement and SmartBlock invisible anti-intrusion system

COD. 1111 sk

The Slim Pelle window handles are equipped with the innovative SmartBlock anti-intrusion system that protects against theft and aggressions.

See how it works.

Pull handle

COD. 1111 mn

Offset pull handle

COD. 1111 mz

Slim Pelle

Door handle on rose art.019

COD.1111 rb 019

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Slim Pelle

Door handle on rose art.024

COD.1111 rb 024

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Slim Pelle

Door handle on plate

COD.1111 pl

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Slim Pelle

Window handle with DK movement and SmartBlock invisible anti-intrusion system

COD.1111 sk

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Slim Pelle

Pull handle

COD.1111 mn

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Slim Pelle

Offset pull handle

COD.1111 mz

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Discover more

Slim Pelle

The handle sheds its skin.


Can craftsmanship and design be combined? Linea Calì has succeeded in uniting these two distant worlds keeping the core unaltered with Slim Pelle, a collection that is characterized by a very unusual tactile sensation.

The handgrip of this brass handle has been “dressed” in premium leather, tanned by craftsmen in Italy that transmits a pleasant sensation of softness to the hand.

To balance the volumes of the leather cover, the lines are simple and linear: a brass bar that intersects the stem creating a sort of “embrace” with a strong personality.

As proof of the product’s originality and as a means of protecting Italian creativity, this handle is also marked Patented Design, a patent that is released by WIPO, an international body, giving you the guarantee of owning a unique and inimitable object.

Lastly, each handle can be further personalized by choosing one of two leather finishes, either in brown or black.





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