
Chic – Classic brass handle for doors and windows, pull handles and furniture knobs

Pleasantly classic, unexpectedly modern

chic door handles

Like the great fashion designers, the Linea Calì designers have collected the trends of the moment and have concretized them in a handle that stands out from the others for its being both classic and modern: it’s name is Chic.


Distinguished by exclusively circular lines, it has concave radius bevels that characterize the handle and the rosette.


This strong reference to the classic style gives it a refined yet paradoxically modern “allure” and makes it easily combinable with different types of doors, from pantographed wooden ones to smooth laminate or lacquered ones, and allows it to coexist with multiple styles in the same environment.

maniglia chic per porte e finestre

Its silhouette without sharp corners also makes it very comfortable to hold and safe even in homes with the presence of children.


In this regard, we remind you that Linea Calì has adopted the SmartBlock anti-intrusion system as standard on all its window handles, an invisible device to prevent unpleasant intrusions and make your home even safer (for more information visit the website www.smartblock.it).


The Chic handle for doors and windows is available in six finishes that allow it to be adapted to virtually any type of door and environment:

  • Polished chrome
  • Satin chrome
  • Polished nickel
  • Matt bronze
  • Patiné
  • Gold plated


The Chic collection is wide and is composed of:

  • Handle with or without rose
  • Handle with plate
  • Handle for windows with the invisible SmartBlock anti-intrusion system
  • Pull handle
  • Furniture knobs
  • WC set



Linee circolari e smussature che richiamano allo stile classico danno vita a una maniglia -per paradosso- moderna dalla forte personalità in grado di coesistere con più stili nello stesso ambiente.



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