
News Brochure 2024

News Brochure 2024

What new handles are coming out this year? We answer this question with the new News Brochure that as of now is part of our official documentation.

Axis Zincral, Decor, Madame and Madame Crystal, Touch Zincral and Vision Zincral are the 6 new collections that will further enrich our increasingly complete offer.

The brochure, in addition to illustrating in detail the design of each collection, tells the story, the mood, and of course presents all the available finishes.

The last section, simple and immediate, finally shows the detailed dimensions of each collection and the technical specifications.


With this brochure, it will be so easy to discover the new collections and choose a favourite for your home.

Find the brochure inside the section DOWNLOADS of this site.








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