
The history of Italian handles

The history of Italian handles: A Journey Through Art, Craftsmanship and Innovation.


Italy, a land of art, culture and craftsmanship, has a long and fascinating history in the production of door and window handles. Because the handle is not just a matter of functionality, but represents an expression of style, elegance and tradition.

The Origins: From the First Civilizations to Medieval Centuries

The history of Italian handles can be traced back to antiquity. Already in the Etruscan and Roman civilizations, the doors were equipped with rudimentary opening systems, often decorated with motifs that recalled mythology and nature. The bronze and iron handles, although simple, began to show a hint of that refinement that would become typical of Italian design.


During the Middle Ages, handles began to evolve both in terms of functionality and aesthetics. The heavy doors of castles and cathedrals were adorned with hand-forged handles, often characterized by intricate geometric and floral designs, to symbolize their status and wealth.

Renaissance: The Golden Age of Art and Design

The Renaissance marked a period of great innovation and creativity in Italy. This artistic and cultural movement was also reflected in the world of handles. Renaissance handles were often made of bronze but also brass, with decorations inspired by classical art and the works of great masters such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.


During this period, handles became real pieces of art. The Florentine, Venetian and Roman artisan workshops specialized in the production of handles with increasingly complex shapes and finely chiselled details. Metal casting and machining techniques reached new levels of perfection, helping to create objects of extraordinary beauty and functionality.

Baroque and Rococo: Exuberance and Refinement

With the advent of Baroque and Rococo, Italian handles took on an even more elaborate appearance. The handles of this period were rich in ornamental details, with scrolls, flowers and mythological figures. The use of gold and silver became common, reflecting the taste for opulence and grandeur of the time.


These styles, born at the court of Versailles and then spread throughout Europe, found fertile ground in Italy thanks to the already consolidated artisan tradition. The Italian noble residences were so adorned with handles that they were real symbols of prestige and wealth.

Neoclassicism and the 19th Century: Return to Simplicity

Neoclassicism brought a return to simplicity and elegance inspired by classical antiquity. The handles became more sober, with clean lines and less elaborate decorations. This style spread rapidly, affecting both private residences and public buildings.


In the 19th century, with the Industrial Revolution, the production of handles underwent a significant transformation. The introduction of machines made it possible to makes handles in series, making them more accessible to a wider range of the population. However, high-quality craftsmanship continued to thrive, keeping centuries-old traditions alive.

20th Century: Innovation and Modern Design

In the twentieth century, Italy became a world centre of modern design. The Italian handles reflected the trends of the time, with a focus on functionality, ergonomics and innovation. World-renowned designers, such as Giò Ponti, helped elevate handles to new levels of excellence.


Stainless steel handles, aluminium and other modern materials such as Zama, began to become popular, but without ever abandoning the attention to detail and elegance that have always characterized Italian production. Collaborations between artisans and designers led to the creation of iconic pieces, celebrated for their beauty and practicality.

Today: Tradition and Innovation

Today, Italian handles continue to stand out for their quality and design. Companies like Linea Calì combine tradition and innovation, producing handles that are not only functional, but also true declarations of style. The use of high quality materials and attention to detail remain at the heart of production, while modern technologies make it possible to create increasingly sought-after and unique products.




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