
The history of architecture: Villa Gallio

The history of architecture: Villa Gallio

The project

Villa Gallia is an ancient cardinal’s residence overlooking the shores of Lake Como.


Located on a rocky promontory overlooking the lake, the building is laid out on a square plan delimited by four corner towers, in memory of the ancient castle vocation of the location. Two loggias open onto the lake, thrilling the gaze of every visitor.


Inside the villa, we find a large central hall that reaches the height of two floors, which leads to other rooms located on each side and connected to each other by loggias.

The villa is surrounded by a terraced garden full of rare essences, which stands out from other gardens thanks to the numerous camellia trees. In fact, each year the “Camellia Exhibition” is held in the villa and garden.


The villa was built in 1586 at the behest of Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio while the construction was attributed to Giacomo Curti di Gravedona.

Unfortunately, however, the Cardinal, due to a twist of fate, was unable to live there because the construction work ended in conjunction with his death. Villa Gallio thus became the property of the Dukes of Alvito, nephews of the cardinal, but who never used it as their residence.


Then came the French and Spanish occupation and in those years it was used as a hospital as was the case with many noble residences at the time. Subsequently, in 1900, it was sold to private buyers.


It currently houses the “Comunità Montana” of Valli de Lario and Ceresio, but it is also used as a splendid location for private events




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