
7 things that you absolutely need to know before choosing a door handle

7 things that you absolutely need to know before choosing a door handle.

Let’s face it, there are now dozens, even hundreds, of door and window handles on the market, but how do you distinguish an excellent handle from any other?


With this article, we will give you a list of the 7 features that you absolutely must check before proceeding with your purchase.

1. Style and Design

People mainly want the handle to blend harmoniously with the style of their home. Choose a classic or vintage handle if your home is furnished in a classic style, modern if it is furnished in a contemporary style. If you want to create something unique, choose a handle that contrasts with the furniture, for example, a vintage handle if your home is modern. It’s not easy, but if you can combine two different styles they will both stand out and you will create something special and, above all, extremely personal.

2. Finish

If style and design are important, finish is no less so and can totally change the end result. Choose it according to the door but also the furniture. Also remember that nowadays there are no finishes that are more delicate than others; polished chrome is very resistant and can be cleaned extremely easily, as can matt white and black. But if you can’t decide, choose satin chrome if you have a modern house and brass if it’s furnished in a classic style.

3. Quality and Resistance

A door handle must be sturdy and withstand daily wear and tear. Look for high-quality handles that will last. Brass is the most valuable material and we use it for practically all our handles but also Zamak, which we use for the “younger” collections, has excellent resistance and wear characteristics. We do not recommend plastic ones, not because we do not produce them, but because they have limited wear resistance.

4. Comfort and Ergonomics

It is important that a door handle offer a comfortable and secure grip. If you can, visit a store and try them before buying the handles. There are beautiful but very uncomfortable handles and others that will unexpectedly caress you hand, really! This is one of the characteristics that makes a handle an object to be grasped pleasantly and not a simple piece of brass, cold and uncomfortable.

5. Safety

Do not underestimate this aspect, especially if there are children where you live. Some door handles, especially modern ones with sharp lines, have very sharp edges that can seriously injure small children. Choose only handles that have all the edges slightly rounded to prevent someone from injuring themselves by violently hitting them. All our handle collections are “childproof”.

6. Price

A good handle must neither cost too little nor too much. Be wary of handles with very low prices that in the short term can lose their functionality (e.g., they do not return to their position perfectly, they generate noise, the finish deteriorates easily, etc.).

7. Made in Italy

Last but not least, choose handles that are produced in Italy. Not because they are better that others, although they often are, but because by doing so you will contribute to the Italian economy and in your little way you will help people to live, literally, to study, to be moved, to love, but above all you will help new generations to improve the world in which you live.

Now that you have cleared your thoughts, you can choose your new handle for your home.


Visit our product catalogue and choose from over 120 handle collections.



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